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Neo-conservatism is more about ideology than a Grand Project

Writer's picture: WatchOut NewsWatchOut News

Updated: Mar 16, 2024

The origin of the neo-cons in the U.S. and the collective west can be traced during the dying days of the Cold War, when the neo-liberal ideologues began preparing for the American Century.

The fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century, once said by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The comment made by the Russian leader was viewed with skepticism and decoupling logic by the majority of Western neoliberal elites, who accused the Russian leader of reinventing Cold War thinking.

However, this was certainly not true. The end of the Cold War was a disaster for Russia and the world for two significant reasons.

First, the end of the Cold War ended bipolarity and gave rise to a U.S.-led unipolar world order. The so-called practice of unipolarity on the world stage created havoc and disasters that still haunt world peace and security today. Second, the unipolarity led by the U.S. and its European allies created more lawlessness with exacerbated levels of illegal invasions and interventions of other sovereign nations on the pretext of so-called disarmament and humanitarian interventions.

The project for the New American Century was pioneered by Neo-cons in the United States, especially under the Clinton Administration. Under Bill Clinton's administration, American Foreign policy emerged as a more hawkish and offensive that continued to dominate the geopolitical thinking of the American political elites, both within the powerful segments of the Democratic and Republican parties. Neo-cons were the most powerful and hawkish group in the United States, which began dominating powerful sectors and policy-making institutions after the end of the Cold War.

Over the course of a decade, the neo-cons have remained successful in dominating the major power centers in the United States, including the White House, Media, and Pentagon.

As one of the founders of the Neo-cons movement, Irving Kristol founded the first neo-cons journal “The Public Interest” in 1965 to enhance the ideological outreach of the Neo-cons Movement.

Faith-based politics was The Public Interest's main bête noire. In its founding editorial, it was argued that "a prior commitment to ideology" is the greatest threat to good government because “Ideology by its very nature presupposes reality.”

The First generation of Neo-cons was merely moderators, but the second generation and now their successors are more hawkish and belligerent. The second generation began penetrating deep into the American bureaucratic, political, and media sectors under the administration of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush (Sr), and Bill Clinton.

Finally, with George W. Bush (jr) in power, the neo-cons completely overtake the powerful sectors of the United States. Starting with George W. Bush’s vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of the State Colin Powell, and several other national security officials such as Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hedley, and Collin Powel’s successor Condoleezza Rice.

The latter mentioned that powerful officials under the Bush Administration were neo-cons who shaped the Bush doctrine and dictated the course of U.S. foreign policy accordingly.

The first major outcome of the neo-cons domination of U.S. foreign policy occurred when the Bush Administration decided to invade Iraq under the false flag of WMDs, which Iraq never had.

The Hawkish advisors of George W. Bush and the neo-cons in the U.S. The Senate Committee on Armed Services pushed for the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation thousands of miles away from the United States.

Consequently, the illegal occupation and invasion of Iraq resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and created the worst humanitarian disaster in the recent century. Despite major opposition from major powers, UNGC, and Civil societies across the globe, neo-cons launched a legitimization campaign to defend illegal occupation through mainstream corporate media.

Powerful neo-con senators, such as John McCain and Joe Biden, who served in the U.S. The Senate Committee on Armed Services lobbied for the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation. Though the occupation of Iraq remained disastrous for American foreign policy in the Middle East, however, the domination of the neo-cons of the Bush administration relegated this intentional disaster.

The failure of U.S. foreign policy in Iraq pushed away the neo-cons as they attempted the scapegoat under the guise of the U.S. so-called war on global terrorism.

The hawkish foreign policy continued even under the administration of Barack Obama, whose administration inherited the neo-cons officials such as Joe Biden as the Vice President, Robert Gates as the Secretary of Defense, Samantha Power as the permanent representative to the UN, and advisor on Foreign affairs, and Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of the State.

The Obama administration in one way or another continued the foreign policy of the Bush Administration that led to another illegal invasion of a Sovereign nation, Libya in 2011. The consequence of this brutal invasion by the U.S. offensive military bloc NATO was similar to that of the Iraq invasion resulting in tens of thousands of civilian deaths and insecurity in the whole region.

It was only Under President Donald Trump that the neo-cons were pushed aside, except Bolton, who served as the National Security advisor for a short time. The Trump administration in the U.S. was the most peaceful in its history, in which no single invasion was carried out.

Donald Trump was more a patriot nationalist than a globalist, who attempted to take the U.S. out of the chaos created by the neo-cons-dominated administrations in the U.S.

Under the Trump administration, the U.S. military was pulled out of Iraq, Syria, and Somalia, and not even a single defense contract was given to the Military Industrial complex.

As president of the United States, Donald Trump criticized the earlier neo-cons-dominated Administrations of the U.S. for wasting trillions of dollars in taxpayers’ money for illegal invasions.

Donald Trump’s anti-globalist policy stance made him an evil adversary in the eyes of the U.S. deep state, political elites, and corporate media. Mainstream media houses, such as Fox News and CNN, led an anti-Trump campaign throughout his tenure at the White House.

Finally, this demonization campaign both at home and abroad resulted in the most controversial elections in the history of the United States, in which former Vice President Joe Biden was declared the 46th President of the United States in controversial polls.

Donald Trump and his supporters called it a witch hunt and declared the elections rigged. However, the deep state in the U.S. was already against the Trump victory, forcing him to accept the results of the poll and remain successful in installing a neo-cons candidate in charge of the White House.

With Biden in charge of the White House, the neo-cons cult reappeared to acquire key posts in the security and foreign policy circles. The neo-cons such as Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan managed to occupy key positions in the Biden administration.

With neo-cons in power, defense contractors began searching for a new war zone that was certain and clear for a long time. They found the most lucrative war zone at the heart of Europe in Ukraine to push European countries to pull more money into the U.S. defense industries under the pretext of arming Ukraine against possible (already planned) Russian escalation.




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